Top 5 EP's of 2021

5. Sullen Eyes – Sullen Eyes

Beauty personified! Sublime jangly pop worthy of any Hannah Barberas or Concretes fan. Complete with the second-best cover of ‘There She Goes’, Boo Radleys still holds that crown.

4. Pastel – Deeper Than Holy

From the featherlight licks of ‘Blu’ to The Verve-esque power of ‘Deeper Than Holy’, the potential of this band is endless. (Full review)

3. Real Numbers – Brighter Then

Sarah’s Records spirit is reawakened to fine effect.

2. In Earnest – Reasons To Stay Alive

This band and EP deserve your respect if nothing else. They are a triumph of the human spirit. This is the most selfless piece of art you will engage in of 2021. (Full review)

1. The Utopiates – Anywhere But Here

The spiralling swagger of the Mondays is given a new lease of hedonistic life and John Squire blasts to produce the magical results. (Full review)