
South London 5-piece Margot released ‘In Your Palm’ in December and are gearing up for the release of their debut EP ‘Margotzeko’ on February 7th.

Margot is made up of frontman Alex Hannaway, Alby Cleghorn (guitar), Rob Fenner (guitar/keyboards), Michael Webb (bass) and Ben Andrewes (drums). They formed in 2018 and have to date released six self-produced singles.

Let’s dive in:

In Your Palm

Here’s your tonic to December’s excess. An ode to disillusioned teachers is not the first thought that comes to mind for a new band, yet, here we delightfully are. There’s no punk, no vicious polemic, just laid back Hot Chip one a 4am come down vibes.

Twenty Six

With sumptuous Real Estate guitars, let Margot lead us all to the hope of Spring. That is, until, the torment of the lyrics come to fruition. As the guitars gently meander, lyrically, reflections of a youth ebbing away begin to haunt the soul.

Their ability to blend so clashing emotions is sure to carry them far.

LIVE Dates: 7th February 2020 – Paper Dress Vintage, Hackney, London