So Good

We recently caught So Good supporting the righteous King Blues at Chinnerys in Southend. Nothing can prepare you for their live presence. Sexed up, ironic, hilarious punk rock polemic from the dream fusion of Veruca Salt and Cher Horowitz. They transcended music with their performance, and it was a performance. Even their dance routines oozed rebellion!

On record, they allow for depth of sound and textures to infiltrate, which will surely give them the longevity they deserve.

Let’s explore those sounds:

I Hate it Here

Jamie T guitars combine with the adventurous production of Idles’ ‘Ultra Mono’ to soundtrack this single written for Rishi Sunak.

The brat-pop of her live show still prevails to give you the live connection but there are moments of joyous pop music colliding with lyrical couplets few can compete with:

“I wanna hear a song about Roe vs Wade / You ain’t stopped abortion, just safe abortion”

If I Had A…

Salt-n-Pepa for this generation! We defy you not to laugh aloud and then scramble to the internet to learn the words by heart.

Toxic masculinity given the ridicule it so richly deserves. Live, So Good comes alive on this song. The struts, the knowing looks, and allowing the “dick” is as laugh-out-loud funny as it is culturally important.

Click the image below for tickets to So Good’s tour: