The Goa Express

Manchester-based The Goa Express are set to release ‘Second Time’ via Ra Ra Rok Records on the 18th of June. It follows their raucous indie anthem ‘Be My Friend’, can they maintain their form?

Like a Sparrow flittering from tree to tree, they pick the best parts of so many greats and have conjured a sure top 5 single of the summer. The effortless of Teenage Fanclub float on with the love-drenched oddities of Mull Historical Society and the romance of Psychedelic Furs.

There is something so charming about this record. A tale of youthful naivety and the endless repeating of mistakes should be laden with regret but, they manage to dust themselves down and carefree explore the next adventure.

This joyous coming of age journey has an eloquence way beyond its years. It can only form a youthful but, is fully appreciative of the freedom that affords it. With daily spins from Lammo, it will be garnering lifelong fans by the day!