The Kowloons

Merseyside band The Kowloons are made up of twin brothers Stephen Ng (vocals) and Anthony Ng (drums), Mason Jones (lead guitar), and Bobby Griffiths (bass).

*banner image credit: Matt Owen

As they gear up for three esteemed support slots with The Real People, JW Paris, and The Kairos this autumn, we check out their latest single ‘Can We Go Faster’:

Can We Go Faster

Jones’ acoustic guitars have the effortless melody of their home city elders The Real People. Jones offsets this with heavier work on the guitar reminiscent of the all-conquering power of ‘Urban Hymns’ era Nick McCabe before blowing a ‘Champagne Supernova’ solo into the ether to reignite what Ticketmaster couldn’t.

Artwork courtesy of the band.

There’s a freedom and romance to this record that unashamedly pulls from their 90s icons. After fourteen years of political misery and the country fraying at the seams this summer, the landscapes of dreamers and hedonistic revelry have all but been forgotten.

Critical to this is Stephen Ng’s on-point vocal! The tendency for frontmen to overdo the nostalgic swagger is vast on records of this ilk. Ng’s refrain is laudable. He hangs back, allowing a freeing groove to take seed and rise effortlessly.  

On Friday, September 27th, The Kowloons will release their next single, ‘Raining (It Don’t Stop)’. Check back to our Singles page for a review early next week.