The Outers

The Outers are a four-piece hailing from London. They’re made up of Ade (Vocals), Phil (Guitar), Luca (Drums), Clare (Bass), and Avery (Guitar). They have been making a name for themselves in South East London playing to packed audiences at the iconic Amersham Arms in New Cross.

*image courtesy of Rocklands TV

Let’s see what they have been up to:


Lo-fi indie licks that nestle between Sea Power’s moonlight meanders, and Thirteen Senses romanticism form a poetic backdrop for Ade’s Skin meets Lily Rae (Fightmilk) vocal.

Tinges of Eurythmics via Bloc Party emerge in the middle eight before a sumptuous solo blows the cobwebs away.

First Sight

Ade’s vocal delivery is blessed with great drama here. Toying with emotion, tone, and shades of light and dark on a career-best vocal. Meanwhile, Phil and Avery’s searching math rock licks stray into the realm of Foals’ classic ‘Spanish Sahara’ album before the power of Desperate Journalist filters into the joyous climax.