Argh Kid ft Isaac Taylor – Dickhead DNA

Manchester’s Argh Kid, in the wake of the descent of the far right on London, wrote and recorded ‘Dickhead DNA’ in three days. Accompanied by Isaac Taylor, ‘Dickhead DNA’ is available on Bandcamp, alongside a powerful freestyled spoken piece about George Floyd and Argh Kid’s lived experiences in Manchester.

Vocally nestling in alongside Jason Williamson, Tom Meighan, and Preston Samuel circa ‘Brassbound’, this polemic offers up Specials-esque dub and spiky basslines from Arctic Monkeys debut. It culminates in all the great sounds of Britain’s counter-culture standing up for what’s right.

Unsurprisingly, the lyrics take aim at the Trump-supporting, sieg heiling all lives matters delinquents who equate patriotism to far-right nationalism. Undoubtedly, humanity needs bringing together right now but lines in the sand must be drawn and Britain First types shall not cross Argh Kid’s.

*Image courtesy of Rocklands