Southend’s Asylums returned in February with ‘Catalogue Kids’ (full review here). It slotted straight back into 2018’s high calibre ‘Alien Human Emotions’ (full review here). Can the second single, ‘A Perfect Life In A Perfect World’ up the ante?
All Artwork and images supplied by the band. DIY forever!
When recorded, it was an expression of not living in the moment. With the world in lockdown, it’s rapidly engulfing a sense of longing. For anyone without a garden, with their job, their business drifting out of sight, Asylum’s gothic punk ironically, has become the epicentre of sentiment.
There is so much emotion and raw power running through this single, it could have sound tracked ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’. It is, only a matter of time before Britain embraces them as national treasures. The ante is up!
‘A Perfect Life In A Perfect World’ is availble on the bands own record label Cool Thing Records.