Captain Handsome - Halloween

Captain Handsome is the eagerly anticipated side project of Fightmilk singer Lily Rae. Her latest single ‘Halloween’ is out today on all digital platforms and, will be followed by the physical release of the EP ‘I Am Not An Animal’ on 31st January via Reckless Yes.

From the opening strums of the guitar, you just know something brutally honest is coming. Rae, speaking about the track said “Halloween’ is part ode to Goth Christmas (the best day of the year) and part hardcore whinge about parties going wrong. If you've ever ended up as somebody else's funny story, I hope you manage to exorcise it and move on rather than putting horror strings into a three-minute lo-fi mope.”

Is it wrong to disagree? The sense of a soul crushed on the line “I had a bad time on the bathroom floor” at a party is something to rejoice in. If it’s never been you, you’re simply not living life romantically or dangerously enough.

The sinister strings build so much tension they should come with an anxiety warning, that is, until the release of the last chorus. What was once Rae’s deluge of sadness, becomes triumphant, an amusing footnote in a life clearly turned around to great success.

The tragic is magic. Let it in!

Reckless Yes currently have membership for the year open - included is all their releases this year, plus a load of other benefits and the knowledge you're supporting independent artists. The Captain Handsome EP is available to all members now and there's even an option to join Last Night From Glasgow at the same time and get all their releases too. More here -