Idyllic – Everyone Wants to Know

Liverpool’s Idyllic returned in April to self-release their latest single, ‘Everyone Wants to Know.’ It follows the free-flowing ‘The World is Falling Down.’ Will it match its prowess?

*image credit Trust a Fox Photography

Idyllic has reawakened the 00s guitar scene on their latest single. Instant jagged guitar hooks and enriching indie-soul vocals pull from the finer moments of Pigeon Detectives, The Zutons, and The Kooks’ debut. With a crucial exception, there's is better!

Niall Doolan’s vocals have the warmth of Dave McCabe (The Zutons), the ragged soul of James Skelly (The Coral), and the defiant urgency of Matt Bowman (Pigeon Detectives). Despite possessing obvious talent, his vocal has a humbleness and an everyman appeal—the kind that lights up pubs with comedic tales of heroic defeat.

‘Everyone Wants to Know’ is the perfect counterpoint to ‘The World is Falling Down’. Where the latter rumbles on with infectious expressiveness, ‘Everyone Wants to Know’ taps into an old-school single mindset. Short, punchy riffs unfurl the sweetest of instant gratification!