Model Society - I-Spy

London’s Model Society recently released their new single ‘I-Spy’ via Kitchen Disco Records.


Sha na na naaing its way to the hearts of a nation of dr martens wearing Buzzcocks loving freaks. It’s has a wonderful British sense of rebellion. Snarling positivity from the sarcastic wit of sweat-filled gig venues,  they’ve drawn a line in the sand.

This isn’t just a battle line being drawn. It’s the big reset that didn’t come with Rishis’s sopping wet speech in the week. Model Society have presented us with a blank canvas to reinvent this treasured isle of arts, rebellion, and working-class glory.

Their first draft comes equipped with the punk we’ve known and loved for the past 10 years. It also follows last year’s ‘Are You For Real?’ with another sublime solo. It cuts through with rip-roaring ease. It’s desperate and intense, as though Theatre of Hate hired Graham Coxon!

With reality and community on the horizon once more, let Mode Society guide back to the good times.