Scandinavia - Premium Economy

London's Scandinavia are back with their fifth album 'Premium Economy'. Despite their veteran status, they remain on the DIY circuit, could this be their breakthrough?

At times, the wisdom of their longevity shines through. Tracks like 'Autumn Coat' and 'Melody Glade' have a warmth to their layers which debut albums rarely possess. The former, a fine nugget of jangle pop to soundtrack a youthful summer. Full of adventure and hope, it conjures images of hope, hope the love of your life discovers you exist in that summer holiday. 'Melody Glade', a reflective lullaby, as though The Wannadies recording in your garage.

Scandinavia have not lost their anarchic instincts. 'New Men' has a spiky math rock charm and 'Warriors of Weekend' is a furious Blink 182 meets Teenage Fanclub punk-jangle rumble. The true moment of punk glory arrives on 'I Don't Believe In Anything'. Rebellion hasn't sounded this fun in ages! Accept nothing, challenge everything!

Then, out of nowhere, comes 'Choose Science'. A quirky wry look at the world of scientists. Smooth funked up Public Service Broadcasting style guitar licks poke fun at science as a vocation. In a world of Brian Cox adoration, it's not suggested once that most scientist suffer under the corporate umbrella like the rest of us earning a wage.

It goes further than this though. Beautifully hailing sense and feeling over data, they raise the notion that this country's focus is awry. We are a nation of sport and creative lovers. We embraced one in 2012 and boy did it pay off. Now its time to embrace the other. It's surely what we excel at!

It may have taken Scandinavia five albums, but it would appear they have found their sweet spot. Pop hook after pop hook invade their punk or jingle jangle tendencies. This is definitely an album to sound track the rest of the summer.