Pinky Pinky

Pinky Pinky - Turkey Dinner

LA’s Pinky Pinky, a three piece consisting of Anastasia Sanchez (vocalist/drummer, 20), Isabelle Fields (guitar, 19) and Eva Chambers (bass, 19) have combined a teenage sense of adventure with wise experimental heads on their eclectic debut album ‘Turkey Dinner’.

Former single ‘My Friend Sean’ and ‘It Didn’t Hurt’, are formulated around droll sardonic slacker rock and feel like their base camp. It’s full of the idealism and melodic nous of Pavement and Graham Coxon.

Rather than stay in this comfort zone, they’ve honed record collections and taken well measure chances. On ‘Floorboards’, there’s a sense that Kate Bush has joined The Slits to make a Beach Boys record. Whereas, ‘Sticking Around’ combines a Bush-esque vocal with slick vibes of The Modern Lovers. There is a punk spirit lurking behind the slide guitars on ‘Apple Cheeks’. A sure fire sign that nothing is off the table in the studio.

This approach falls flat on ‘Mystery Sedan’ and ‘Mr. Sunday’. However, temper this with their Johnny Marr attempting the Shrang-La’s style on ‘Lady Dancer’ and ‘Do Me Dirty’, and you’ll be vehemently overlooking those songs.

After a while, it becomes apparent, these aren’t chances, its hard graft and talent combining to deliver their vision. What is missing though, are truly great choruses. That hook, that’s so undeniable, every teenager can beat their parent into submission that their generation is better. It doesn’t feel that far away mind you.

Friday 2nd August marks our 8th birthday. Come down to the New Cross Inn for a night of great live music. Tickets available here: