Sam Valdez

Sam Valdez - Clean

Sam Valdez has followed up the critically acclaimed ‘Toothache’ with her latest single ‘Clean’.

Drenched in dreampop guitars, Valdez takes The Cocteau Twins for a mournful journey through the desert. Los, but never without hope, she imparts a creative integrity many spend a lifetime searching for.

This tale is seemingly dark as the protagonist descends into a tumultuous state. However, the deliberate nature of the plunge allows the guitars to catch the odd fragment of hope. There is always a sense of emerging the other side a better person.

Perhaps the intense and immersive landscapes of her home state Nevada are informing her writing. Where else is a tale of soulful redemption better staged than the home of Las Vegas?

Her ability to play with light and dark textures in her fledgling status suggests more than just a bright future.