Theatre Royal - Port Bou

Theatre Royal - Turn From Sleep

One of Medway’s true greats, Theatre Royal, returned last week with ‘Incidental Friend’ (Vacilando 68 Recordings) the lead single from their new EP of the same name.

Today, we look at the second track from the EP ‘Turn From Sleep’. Another fine example of what should be considered mainstream. infectious heartfelt melodies shimmering in the winter sun. It’s what we all thought The La’s might have achieved had they held it together.

Combining the spritely acoustic guitars of the The Woodtentops classic ‘Good Thing’ with the shimmering warmth of The Stands’ ‘I Need You’, they once again breathe fresh life into the Medway and Paisley genres.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Theatre Royal don’t make bad songs! Be sure to check them out at the Lexington supporting their Medway brothers in arms The Claim, January 4th 2020.

Theatre Royal - ...And Then It Fell Out Of My Head

The Rochester outfit are back with their fourth album 'And Then it Fell Out Of My Head'. They have been a secret for far too long, but, with backing from Steve Lemacq, this record seems set to spread their message far and wide.

Despite their lack of coverage, their confidence has certainly not diminished. It is an album packed with potential singles (if only people bought them). So, its only fitting they lead off with the former single 'Port Bou'. It bristles with their archetypal Mersey-psyche sound and has the feel of a beloved underdog.

'Locked Together On The Lines' recalls the tale of frontman Oliver's Nan finding a dead sailor and prostitute at Chatham's war memorial, The Great Lines. Every facet oozes brilliance. Vocally, the human touch shines through on what is a tragedy. Sonically, the guitars blend the breeziness and haziness of The La's with the pop instincts of The Bluetones.

The real star though is the lyrics. They build the intrigue immediately with brilliant opening ‘did he woo her / did pay her’. Prostitutes are so often viewed as second class citizens which, is deftly portrayed here with anonymity:

‘a sailor lay with a stranger now frozen in time’

This album’s real success lies with 'Standing In The Land'. The bravery alone to talk about fear and confusion over refugees should be applauded. The opening line will stop all in its wake:

“it seems clear to me / how can we be free/ when there is dying in the sea / Because of you and me”

Usually, the social comment is reserved for political angst or sub-cultures in full flow. This goes one further and relays an actual conversation with the accessibility of Gogglebox. It's laced with anguish, guilt, and regret, it is a triumph of inputting pure feeling into a song not seen since Primal Scream's 'Damaged'.

At times, on 'Teardrop' and 'Will Someone Please Write Me A Song', your left with a sense that their magic has waned somewhat. Upon further reflection, it's a testament to how many potential singles they have. Few can deny the brilliance of the harmonica on 'What Has Become of Me', witty lyrics, and the dejected isolation projected in its closing moments.

Theatre Royal may not be new, but with this album, they have certainly arrived.

The album is out now. Find it on their Bandcamp page here:




Theatre Royal - Port Bou

Sometimes, bands can play but lack the human touch and vice versa. Theatre Royal have both, what they’ve lacked is just that little bit of luck. With their new single ‘Port Bou’ though, they have got their breakthrough on day time BBC6.

Its blend of the Paisley and Medway scenes is far more revitalising than rehashing. It injects them with an ‘us vs the world’ spirit that makes you want to ride into battle with them. It’s the immediacy of the opening riff which fires everything up, much like The Jam’s ‘Running On The Spot’ or ‘The Gift’.

‘Port Bou’ is not solely about its chest out bravado. Far from it. This is pop music! The jingle jangle guitars shimmer throughout which simultaneously, conjure visions of hope and loneliness. Couple this with an early John Squire solo and a final third which has a brief, but glorious Ian McCulloch vocal drag, you clearly have one of 2017’s (grandchildren) nuggets of gold.