Uber Capatalist Death Trade

Cabbage – Uber Capatalist Death Trade

There should be no doubts right now, Cabbage are the best band in the UK right now. Here’s our track by track review of their scintillating EP:


Uber Capatalist Death Trade

Danger lurks around every corner with an unerring confidence and originality, the like not seen since The Libertines in 2002. The power and ferociousness on display here will make recent excellent work of Palma Violets seem old hat.

It has everything to unite the alternative world. Blistering guitars for the mainstream Radio X crowd, feral post-punk vocals a la Lydon with PiL, and biting lyrics to boot.


All the stomp and pomposity of the recent Arctic Monkeys albums is made to look irrelevant in this 5min affair. This is a fragile juggernaut rampaging its way around town with a bottle of port in one hand a sledgehammer in the other hand.

The opening is a death storming stomp, the lyrics are dark humour at its best and the guitars, well, they are crazed and escapist, they raucous and offensive. This does it all!

Tell Me Lies About Manchester

Hilarious from start to finish. A tale of a monster bullshitter, bigger than Jay Carwright and Del Boy put together who claims:

“I've had a pint with every member of The Fall”


“Rowetta rubs my feet”.

BBC6 stalwart marc Riley recently told the NME that Cabbage are the rightful heir to Happy Mondays throne. He is not wrong. The music grooves along with the wayward effortlessness embodied by the Mancunian icons and embodies the wit and charm of Shaun’s great lyrics on ‘Bummerd’.

Free Steven Avery (Wrong America)

Musically, this is most light hearted on the EP. It’s a spritely thigh slapping pub song. Fittingly then, the lyrics are cutting and profess to killing Donald Trump.