The Blinders – Ramona Flowers

Anyone who has seen The Blinders recently will attest to the fact that the times they are changing. Fuelled by the political climate, the three piece from Doncaster via Manchester bringing punkadelic toe forefront of the UK scene.

Their latest single, 'Ramona Flowers', is powered by brooding and violent guitars, bridging the gap between psychedelia and Nirvana's 'About A Girl' and 'Love Buzz'. The results are spectacular.

'Apathetic but inviting / She's amazing / You're amazing / Hell raising' drools frontman Thomas. The slow and slightly deranged delivery will lead you down the dank backstreets of the most exciting city.

This year's festival scene has been put on red alert with this single. With their venom and visceral brilliance, The Blinders are going to crash the indie party which, has become far too safe for its own good.