This Is War – Ecstasy

Liverpool’s This Is War are back again with their new single ‘Ecstasy’, which follows the Clash-inspired ‘Nightclub’ from last month. Can they keep their fine run going?

Bewitching vocals at times, drawing from Jim Morrison whilst drummer Martyn Leah smashes on through to the other side with his ferocious and apocalyptic drumming.

Through Andy Williams’ bass, a throttling sense of entrapment clouds the mind. Holding you in a state of purgatory until frontman Paul Carden and guitarist Johnny Roberts relieve the pressure. Carden turn’s on the soul power in the closing moments with nods to Tom Meighan on ‘Fire’ and Roberts’ guitars are the touch paper to something far bigger than their means.

Their last four songs have all offered something different, all something irrepressible. There is a growing sense that, their upcoming album could pull together something far-reaching but with chest-beating power.