Victoria Hume - Closing

Victoria Hume released her new EP 'Closing' on the 15th January. Her previous efforts have been beautiful affairs so, how will this body of work fair.

As soon as the pianos begin on 'Miles Away', you know something special is about to unfold. Sitting somewhere in between Sandy Denny and Joni Mitchell on the scale of great female singers, Hume delivers a gentle but incredibly meaningful vocal.

possibly on the new album, coming this autumn... thank you to Andy Hamill on bass.

'Ungoverned' proves that political song writing doesn't have to be rabble rousing polemic all the time. She sets the tone with opening line 'Government abandonment / these people don't care' and goes on to deliver haunting messages about refugee neglect and a political system which views human life in financial figures.

'Lanterns' is the only anomaly on this otherwise sophisticated EP. What starts out as melancholic Richard & Linda Thompson track, alters its destination for a piano led Bat For Lashes via Bon Iver number before changing gear again in the closing moments. The creativity here cannot be denied but it is a difficult listen.

The EP closes with its finest moment, 'Wild Wind'. Again she defies alternative music protocol. Usually, messages about taking you chances and being brave are left to all male bands full of teenage angst. Hume however, proves that no matter the age or gender, life is there to be lived and to fight against its traps of boredom and apathy.

'Closing' often has beautiful cinematic qualities to its music. It’s poignant, grand and understated all at the same time. What's remarkable is Hume's ability to make her vocals fit around these tropes to add to the beauty.

This may not be a full album but at seven tracks long, this will be in the running for album of the year unless lyricists out there significantly up their game in 2016.