Moa Moa

Moa Moa are a five-piece from South London. Assembled alongside singer and producer James Ratcliffe are Dan Byrne, Connor James, Sophie Parkes, and Matt Taylor.

They have already released a single via the mighty Speedy Wunderground (see ‘Coltan Candy’ below) label and garnered interest from radio giants John Kennedy (Radio X) and Steve Lamacq (6Music).

We take a look at what they were up to in 2021.

*Image courtesy of


A trippy MGMT electronica via indie number to set the senses ablaze post-lockdown. A wry take on the world-changing post-pandemic takes the hooks of Yeasayer for a spin to the baggy era on what has to be 2021’s best groove. The immediacy of the record is astonishing, brought to life mainly by the cascading drums designed to melt the mind.

Coltan Candy

The title refers to the mineral that’s ruthlessly mined in Africa for the benefit of electronics in western civilisation. Singer Ratcliffe details the greed of the west and morbidly, the inability ordinary folk can do about it.

Despite the seriousness of the polemic, their infectious neo-psyche hooks are undeterred. Keyboardist and guitarist Connor James unite short Moon Duo via Tame Impala blasts of the guitar alongside the bubblegum synths to usher in their world of technicolour. Lifting it to another level are Ratcliffe’s vocals which nestle in between Andrew Wells Van Wyngarden (MGMT) and Joe Newman (Alt-j).