Office for Personal Development

Office for Personal Development is not so much an introduction of new music, but more a reset for one Britain’s finest songwriters of the past decade. Trevor Moss will be known by many for his beautiful harmonies with his wife Hannah.

Under the guise of ODP, Trevor utlises his birth surname Deeble. In doing so, he has returned to his love of electronica and pop. Melodies were ten a penny for him with the acoustic guitar so, to make the leap towards his roots of pop and Eurovision seems only natural. After recent spins from John Kennedy’s Xposure and BBC Introducing, a move that is clearly paying off.

The band are made up of Trevor Deeble (Director), Bellza Moore (Office Junior), and Del Querns (Head of IT) and they have the best band website the world has ever seen. FACT!

Take Me Back

Originally recorded over ten years ago when Moss was a Fine-Art student at Goldsmiths, OPD have worked this up to 2022’s first great pop record.

The togetherness of Hot Chip circa ‘Melody of Love’ blends effortlessly with the Pet Shop Boys penchant for genius. It has the elegance of Alison Goldfrapp strolling to the dancefloor with just a hint of Bicep and Orbital’s infectious wonk adventure.

Hold On

When Oasis burst onto the scene, cover songs like ‘I Am The Walrus’ and especially ‘Cum On Feel The Noise’ helped establish their identity and narrative. OPD’s cover of the Wilson Phillips smash sets out a similar stall. announcing them unashamedly pop.

Not looking to reinvent the classic, they subtly add their bedroom electronica aid singalong towards Giorgio Moroder. Their stall set out magnificently, now we await the number one to topple Bryan Adams 16 weeks.