All The Young: Chinnerys, Southend

Stoke’s All The Young made their second appearance at Southend’s Indie Cult Club this past week, supporting My Life Story at Chinnerys.

Their unexpected return in 2022 threw up questions from fans. Where had they been? Why are they not massive? When they released the long-awaited second album ‘Tales of Grandeur’, it was as though they’d never been away. Back came the euphoric anthems. Back came hope!

With the heavyweight power of ‘The Horizon’ making Chinnerys feel like Wembley Stadium, that hope was not misplaced. The stomping glory of ‘Another Miracle’ put Ryan Dooley back a pedestal with the greats as his vocal yelps with emotion and digs in with rock ‘n’ roll’s defiance.

New single ‘Demons’ cut through their archetypal hedonism with DMA’s pop sensibilities and the kind of masculine self-reflection the world has been craving in the wake of Jack Throne and Stephen Graham’s masterpiece ‘Adolescence’. Few can say they wrote a good single thirteen years into their careers, ATY can boast a great one and Southend knew it.

On ‘The First Time’, if anyone was in doubt, ATY reminded Southend they have the perfect live anthem in their repertoire. Guttural emotion and explosive guitars washed over the room to set souls free.

All The Young complete their tour tonight at the iconic Sugarmill in Stoke. Roll on the next one!