Breed: The Water Rats, London

“London. Who wants to get heavy?” decrees Breeds guitarist before swigging his mates beer and launching into a set of heavy hitting riffs.

As they tear through their set, you can see the spirit of so many great early 00s bands rising. The chaos of The Datsuns & D4, the punk of The Donnas, the playfulness Young Heart Attack combine with their natural BRMC stomp to deliver a rock music tour de force.

Former single 'Get With It', often threatens to spiral out of control with its dirty BRMC rock n roll pulsing through its veins. The combo of throbbing psyche and 70s garage music is perfection for Breeds image. They have a great old school blend of irreverence and wanting to shag everything in the room.

Get to Jimmy's early in Manchester (April 20th), they are not a support band to be missed.