Cellar Doors - Cellar Doors

San Francisco trio Cellar Doors release their self-titled debut album via the Spiritual Pyjamas label on the 15th February. They've played limited shows in the UK but, on this showing, like Melbourne's DMA's, its set to become their spiritual home.

In the digital age, the concept of the killer opening track has dissipated some what. Cellar Doors have revoked this notion on 'City Girl'. Combining Krautrock and the aggression of Kasabian's debut album, they have delivered a truly death defying piece rock n roll. Young listeners will see this as their moment, their release from boredom. Older rock n rollers, inevitably will be closing their eyes and reminiscing of their first summer of discovery to this hazy anthem.

They say timing is everything and, as Sex Education grips the world on Netflix, Cellar Doors coming of age debut appears right on cue. The danger of 'City Girl' conjures up images of Mauve's middle finger salute and the Velvet Underground tones of 'Pale Blue' should have sound tracked the Otis and Eric's relationship.

'In A Dream' also has those teenage hallmarks of escape. The racing energy of the Roses on 'She Bangs The Drums' emerges alongside the motorik of Neu and the distorted bliss of Jesus and Mary Chain. For fans of Creation Records and the spirit Alan McGee, this is indeed a dream.

There are moments of sublime pop majesty. 'Prism' sees singer Sean Fitzpatrick deliver an angelic Paul Weller vocal circa 'English Rose' vocal amid an eruption of Kasabian's 'Reason Is Treason'. The sex and danger of Fitzpatrick's guitar playing on 'Sirens' should hopefully banish the banal dross of Arctic Monkeys for good and, on 'Frost', they have an anthem for the ages. Complete with Depeche Mode's darkness, Neu's motorik, and the lightness of early John Squire guitar playing, 'Frost' is a haunting psychedelic pop behemoth.

Is the music industry capable of being taken over by the sound of angry poetic young men anymore? We're about to find out.