Kevin Pearce - Heartbeat Mind

The Essex singer-songwriter returned last autumn with the sublime single ‘Jump’. Pearce’s new release ‘Heartbeat Mind’, again showcases his ability to push the boundaries of folk and electronica.

‘Heartbeat Mind’ is a slow building affair, with Pearce singing over the top a disconsolate heartbeat drum loop for most of it. Like Leonard Cohen’s ‘You Want It Darker’, it has the ability to sound warming and otherworldly simultaneously.  

Vocally, Pearce has often been compared to Turin Brakes’ Olly Knights. Here though, Pearce adopts a deeper and smokier tone not a million miles away from John McClure. This allows Rebecca Hammond to sprinkle a lightness on the backing vocals, which, immediately prior to the songs euphoric conclusion are nothing short of beautiful.

The closing moments of ‘Heartbeat Mind’, are beset with the hallmarks of a Hollywood hero going through hell to save the world and get the girl. The strings and piano soar with such majesty, it defies belief that Pearce isn’t a global phenomenon.