Kevin Pearce

Kevin Pearce - So On

The Essex based folk artist returned in late 2017 to deliver his second solo album, ‘So On’. It’s an album of great contrast, often bringing a lightness of touch to dark themes such as mental health and greed.

‘Lucifer the Landlord’ opens the album and immediately begs the question, has short termism ever been portrayed better, musically speaking. It’s one thing to call someone the devil but, to back it up sonically and with great imagery is another. It’s conscientious but never pious, as a result, it feels like poetry more than social comment which it most definitely is. So often, songwriters are in one of the two camps, Pearce has forced himself into an elite Venn diagram on this opener.

Former single ‘Heartbeat Mind’ is a slow building affair, with Pearce singing over the top a disconsolate heartbeat drum loop for most of it. Like Leonard Cohen’s ‘You Want It Darker’, it has the ability to sound warming and otherworldly simultaneously.  

Vocally, Pearce has often been compared to Turin Brakes’ Olly Knights. Here though, Pearce adopts a smokier similar to the Reverend John McClure. This allows Rebecca Hammond to sprinkle a lightness on the backing vocals, which, immediately prior to the songs euphoric conclusion are nothing short of beautiful.

‘Oh Maria’, an ode to the Greek opera singer Maria Callas. Callas was a formidable but flawed talent who suffered greatly. Pearce conjures a sense of loss and longing of ‘what might have been’ and ‘yesteryear’ akin to a lonely storm swept coastal town.

Amid the ethereal folk lies a moment of Cat Stevens pop heaven. ‘Plastic Man’ is a like a lost treasure from the ‘Tea For Tillerman’ era. The infectious bass line and guitar riffs have an opulent effect which allow for an almost T-Rex-esque chorus to flourish.

‘So On’ is an album of varying late night atmospheres. One person’s relaxation here will be another’s soul searching. The ability to be all things to all people which are destined to make this a classic. It’s an album of John Martyn’s ambition, the innocence of Nick Drake and the lyricism of Leonard Cohen. Take a bow!

Kevin Pearce - So On

In 2017, where opinions are so dialectically opposed, and aggressively so, you have to question where Kevin Pearce’s latest offering ‘So On’ fits in.

It’s steeped in the English folk heritage of Fairport Convention and Pentangle during the verses. Where there is Kevin Pearce, a form of folktronica usually looms large. Here though, its minimal but, the blending of the two genres has never been this seamless.

There is a swelling of bands at present, full of rage and teenage angst, and rightly so. On ‘So On’, Pearce goes beyond instinctive polemic and lurks in the shadows of ‘work of art’ territory. It’s a stark reminder that music can create new realms and lift consciousness to higher planes.

Kevin Pearce - Heartbeat Mind

The Essex singer-songwriter returned last autumn with the sublime single ‘Jump’. Pearce’s new release ‘Heartbeat Mind’, again showcases his ability to push the boundaries of folk and electronica.

‘Heartbeat Mind’ is a slow building affair, with Pearce singing over the top a disconsolate heartbeat drum loop for most of it. Like Leonard Cohen’s ‘You Want It Darker’, it has the ability to sound warming and otherworldly simultaneously.  

Vocally, Pearce has often been compared to Turin Brakes’ Olly Knights. Here though, Pearce adopts a deeper and smokier tone not a million miles away from John McClure. This allows Rebecca Hammond to sprinkle a lightness on the backing vocals, which, immediately prior to the songs euphoric conclusion are nothing short of beautiful.

The closing moments of ‘Heartbeat Mind’, are beset with the hallmarks of a Hollywood hero going through hell to save the world and get the girl. The strings and piano soar with such majesty, it defies belief that Pearce isn’t a global phenomenon.