My Raining Stars – Mirror

Alaska is perhaps the unlikeliest place for a band indebted to Creation and Sarah’s Records to emerge but, in My Raining Stars, the indie flag is flying high. Their latest single ‘Mirror’ is from their ‘Obvious Reasons’ EP released last November.

Many look those labels for inspiration, few can say they take from the angelic side of Creation and the harder edges of Sarah’s Records. It’s often vice versa and becomes a poor rehash. However, My Raining Stars have successfully revaluated the era to carve out a tiny space of the record shelf for ‘Mirror’.

The cuteness of Ride’s early work and the pop genius of MBV’s ‘Soon’ collide with the spirited noises of Brighter’s ‘Does Love Last Forever?’ and Gentle Despite’s ‘Darkest Blue’. Inevitably, it creates a beautiful sound but crucially, it has momentum and positivity. It goes beyond aching introspection and finds a space for hopeful romance.

Their EP ‘Obvious Reasons’ is free to download on their Bandcamp page and, on this showing, is well worth exploring.