Peter Hall – The Best Idea

Nottingham’s Peter Hall will release ‘The Best Idea’, via his Bandcamp page on 5th November. It is the second single to be released from his upcoming album, ‘Light The Stars’. Can it match the star quality of his debut EP ‘There’s Something Wrong with Everyone’.

It takes seconds to answer with an emphatic yes! Hall has such an effortlessness to his writing, it’s impossible not to embrace his world. The meanderings of Mick Head and the acoustic innovation of Badly Drawn Boy combine to create a crisp autumnal sonic.

Vocally, he strays from the icy brilliance of Elliott Smith to the warmth of Sice (Boo Radleys). This ability allows him to shapeshift from an isolated soul to one coming of age with cinematic appeal.

There is something inherently scouse about the Nottingham starlet, especially on the solo. Hints of Shack and Candy Opera permeate the touching moment, ever so forlorn but never downtrodden, it shimmers in the lowly October sun with grace.

On this showing, hall’s album is not to be missed.