Supercaan - Supercaan

“Bands are putting out more songs than they’ve played gigs and that’s never worked in the music industry. You play gigs and become brilliant and then you release some music.” 

(Simon Williams (Fierce Panda Records) Speaking to UK Music Week)

Based in London and Birmingham, three piece Supercaan feel like a return to the type of bands Simon is referring to. Their self-titled debut album is the result of four years of weekends working on demos, rehearsing and gigs. The results are varying in quality but the ideas and their identity are fully formed.

Greg Milner’s vocals draw instant comparison to The National’s Matt Berninger. Whilst a clear factor, in truth, it only becomes imitation when the mood drops on the opening of ‘Drag Me To Sea’ and the ‘High Violet’ inspired ‘Cold Opener’.

Away from the The National, their intricate psychedelia begins to forge a niche alongside the Ohio giants. Former singles ‘The Bull’ and ‘The Great North Eastern’ are prime examples. The hazy psychedelia of the former lends itself to the industrial euphoria of Editors and the motorik of Toy.

Meanwhile, ‘The Great North Eastern’, adopts British Sea Power’s more reflective mood and the choppy ‘Munich’ era of Editors. So many bands seek escape through their sound, here, they narratively speaking, deal with the opposite. The claustrophobic nature of this tale collides with sun drenched pop instincts to provide one of the year’s best singles.

Driving them further away (albeit slowly) from The National is a love of New Order. ‘Mosquito’ with the gothic and electronic pop world of Depeche Mode, but with repetitive hook approach reminiscent of ‘The Village’. Whilst ‘Hang On For Winter’, combines Sumner’s aching guitars and sun kissed sequencing with pop hook bassline from The Vaccines repertoire.  

With so many iconic bands flowing through their influences, Supercaan were always going to have deliver something great to escape them. Alas, they haven’t, but, as Game of Thrones has proved, it’s not always the final outcome that matters. They’ve taken a brave swing at the greats and made their journey worth following with this debut.  

*Image courtesy of

Friday 2nd August marks our 8th birthday. Come down to the New Cross Inn for a night of great live music. Tickets available here: