The Raintree County – Happy People

‘Happy People’ is the debut single from Leeds five piece The Raintree County. Having garnered attention from BBC Introducing West Yorkshire and the Y Not Festival, we decided to delve in.

Immediately, The Real People’s classics ‘Window Pane’ and ‘I Can’t Wait’ spring to mind. The choppy psyche guitars and front man Jimmy Sweeney’’s vocals have channelled their inner scouser to good effect.

It’s the distinction of their sound that is striking for a debut single. Ben Arnold’s beefy guitars funnel the vastness of Black Keys through the indie-psyche of The Real People and The LA’s. Bands are so often slow to realise less is more, they’ve already nailed that. A bright future beckons.

Friday 2nd August marks our 8th birthday. Come down to the New Cross Inn for a night of great live music. Tickets available here: