This Is War – Exile Poet

Liverpool’s This Is War are releasing a single a month in 2022. Their seventh of the year is ‘Exile Poet’, their tribute to Bob Dylan.

Former Black Velvets frontman Paul Carden has been showcasing an array of influences through the singles run. From Rod Stewart to Jim Morrison to Tom Meighan. This time out, he takes his punk-soul spirit to the precipice of Dylan’s iconic drawl. The shorter breathier cadence illicit joyous images of the 00s indie-punk scene jamming Dylan songs.

The guitars in the closing minutes light up this ode to Dylan. Johnny Roberts and Mike Mullard’s escapist Rifles-esque licks collide with killer basslines worthy of Maximo Park and The Enemy at their peak.

‘Exile Poet’ is at its best when their own archetypal sound roars. The destructive drumming of Martyn Leah and the desperation Carden’s vocals could set fire to an ocean. They bleed passion, cut them and you’ll see Iggy tattooed on their spleen!  

Roll on next month’s instalment.