Cardiff’s Craig Lewis, aka Those Heavy Souls, recently returned with his new single ‘How High Is Too High?’. Recorded at Kings Road Studios in Cardiff with Andrew Sanders producing, it follows the fine debut single ‘Everybody’s Changing’.
Images courtesy of the band.
Where ‘Everybody’s Changing’ was a departure from his Columbia days, ‘How High Is Too High?’ introduces his new electronic vision to those heady rock' n roll visions. Lewis has unearthed a sweet spot between Slow Readers Club and early Kasabian, and it’s paying dividends for him.
The Sanders’ trippy Reni-esque drums set the platform for the following discordant Warehouse vision. Lewis’ and Steven Kenward’s guitars are kissed with the melodic glory of Serge Pizzorno’s 00s work and the soaring yet understated psyche work of Adam Nutter (The Music).
Holy Youth Movement and The Utopiates have been leading the charge for rock ‘n’ roll and dance music fusion lately. Those Heavy Souls, armed with a ‘Champagne Supernova’ reference, have entered said race with a blistering charge!