London’s MOSES released ‘Raining For Days’ at the end of September. It is the third single from their upcoming third studio album and was recorded with long-time cohort Gavin Monaghan at the Magic Garden Studio in Wolverhampton.
Images courtesy of Rocklands Artbeat Promo
There is a beautiful simplicity to ‘Raining For Days’ that recalls Dinosaur Jr. ’s classic ‘Feel The Pain’ or Graham Coxon’s Pavement-esque era of Blur. The melodic guitar noodling building to a heavier release suits MOSES' maturer sound with resounding effectiveness.
Frontman Victor Moses’ vocal is now venturing into masterful territory. More withdrawn than the fire-breathing early singles, knowing when to flash the teeth and spit venom with precision. When he decrees “we only get one life / A cliche that I really like / I believe in what I am and no / I'll never stop”, the band’s natural inclination to defiance oozes from band to listener, from soul to soul as a unifying clarion call.
Clearer, crisper, and broader than ever, MOSES still maintain their underground status. There’s a renegade spirit festering with intent around everything here that’s undeniable. What were once ifs have become whens with almost the utmost urgency.
Click the image below for tickets to their upcoming shows: