White Denim - Performance

The Austin quartet have returned with their seventh album 'Performance'. Renowned for their prolific output and ability to throw the kitchen sink at every release, White Denim must be one of the phew established acts to feel the pressure this far into their careers. Can they keep finding new innovative rock n roll grooves to explore?

The weird and wonderful aspects of White Denim fans have come to love are still present. The title track is a bombastic Matthew E White number which, in the blink of an eye, fades to the beauty of Grandaddy circa 'Sumday'. Meanwhile, 'Magazin' has their hallmark garage rock funnelled through Unknown Mortal Orchestra but, with the glam and style of T-Rex.

There is however, a large slice of simplicity to this album. On 'It Might Get Dark' and 'Backseat Driver', White Denim have arrived at straight up rock n roll numbers. The oddness is still here but, it lurks in the same way it did for Eels on their classic 'Susan's House'.

For many bands, there would be a sense of selling out. For White Denim however, it's a clarity that threatens to make them superstars. They do it so well, you cant help but imagine becoming rock gods of their age.