Café Spice – Open Door

Manchester’s Café Spice have returned with their third single ‘Open Door’ on 27th September. They have dates in London (The Old Church, Stoke Newington 30th November) and Manchester (Band on the Wall 10th December), gigs which are sure to sell out.  

‘Open Door’ is a tale of failed romance and moving on but, crucially, its delivered with rare honesty and integrity. The lyrics, from the opening line, come with a striking poignancy:

“My heart is full / My heart is heavy”

Immediately, the scenario of impending break up looms, the pit of your stomach will turn to knots!

Their previous single ‘Bn2’, showcased with aplomb, cliché is not part of their remit. There is not an ounce of triumphant closure on display. Like any aspect of life, there are no full stops. The end is clear, the pain is tangible, but the concept of “what’s next” is as freeing as it is daunting.  

Café Spice have delivered yet another outstanding single. New acts, attempting the complex, in this case trifecta harmonies, often show promise but are not fully formed. Much like First Aid Kit circa ‘The Lions Roar’, they are coming with fully formed pieces of emotive art.