The first time we saw Sisteray live, they had punk songs and they had rock n roll songs. They were good but, it felt a marrying of the two would lead to great things. This is what new single ‘Algorithm Prison’ does.
Lyrically, it snarls at the apathy that technology obsession breeds, especially in their home city of London where life is 24 hours if only you join in. Toss in Niall Rowan’s righteous Charlie Harper and Nicky Tesco vocals and you’re into banger territory.
Musically, it does being the merging of their punk instincts with a broader rock n roll escapism. The guitar riffs and solos, whilst angst ridden are deftly kissed with a sense of freedom. The juxtaposition of this style with a lyrical assault on the willingly downtrodden breed’s life into an indie/punk scene so often concerned with love stories.