Jordan Allen

Jordan Allen - 110 Ways to Make Things Better EP

The rock n roll outfit from Bolton have returned with this 3 track EP to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity. Here's our track by track guide:

110 Ways To Make Things Better

This is a rock n roll staple for the Bolton outfit. It’s not making any classic lists soon, but, every time they return, the momentum and positivity they bring to the table keeps rumbling forwards. The guitars are upbeat and when you see the charisma of Allen live, the penny will drop.

Imperial Leather Drama

Allen’s visceral vocals are so resounding that, it's as though he is standing on the ledge of building with no fear. This is also the first real glimpse of a guitar solo which blissfully carts you away. The relief it provides from this tense affair cannot be understated. There is a long journey ahead but, if they continue to blend the fury with the beautiful it’s going to be one hell of a ride.


In the mould of early Arctic Monkeys Little Man Tate and The View, ‘Rosie’ is a jaunty indie romp which, if you can't smile at, then we assume you are Piers Morgan and a prick.

Jordan Allen live at Chinnerys, Southend

It was a dank and dark Monday night in Southend, everything about it said ‘tough gig’ Bolton’s Jordan Allen supporting The Sherlocks. From the opening notes of ‘Dancing In The Dark’, it’s clear that Chinnerys stage was being owned by one only act tonight.

Allen is still finding his feet, has an array of influences, ranging from Little Man Tate to Courteeners to Fat White Family. However, what shines through is their confidence, ambition and remarkable ability to play at such a young age.

New single ‘110 Ways To Make Things Better’, is played with great spirit and, by the time Allen snarls the great lyric ‘you got to resurrect your reputation’, the Essex crowd is clearly on board with their dogma.

’Rosie’, didn’t garner the interaction they were after but, a bellowing Brixton Academy looms for this infectious indie number. They ended on ‘Helter Skelter’, which, has set opener written all over it once they established. The Strokes-esque guitars are begging for a beer lobbing frenzy.

Standing out a mile was former single ‘White Lines’. How can a man so young produce something so brooding and accessible? It takes the darkness of Fat White Family and morphs it with the psyche-punk that shone so brightly for Oasis in their formative years.

This obviously early days for Allen and his band but, the spotlight is there for the taking as long as the focus remains.