Trampolene: Scala, London

Gigs, so often enjoyable but seldom do you see the likes of Doherty, Hawley or Ashcroft bare their souls. In Jack Jones, Trampolene have a front man who did just that at London’s Scala last week.

Jones is Pete Doherty and Nicky Wire rolled into one. The combination of intelligent punk rock and free spirited poetry on stage is as emotive as it is life affirming. When they play new single ‘Hard Times For Dreamers’, a chord was struck. The sense of coming together to fight back against injustice is almost visible in the room.

During ‘Alcohol Kiss’ and the Beatles inspired ‘Imagine Something Yesterday’, the band display their ability to be tight but expansive with their playing. A hopeful signifier that bigger stages will be graced in years to come.

For the first time this decade, a master of social comment has emerged in Jones. As he sings “it’s not who am I / It’s who I’m going to be / How longs this song / Been living in me”, it feels powerful and inclusive. Trampolene entice you in so much that, when Jones tears up on ‘Beautiful Pain’, a collective hug goes out to him.

Brace yourself festival season, this three piece are going to make a mockery of your headliners with their brilliance!

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