
Trampolene ft Pete Doherty - Uncle Brian's Abattoir

Swansea’s Trampolene, with a little help from their hero Pete Doherty, are back with their new single ‘Uncle Brian’s Abattoir’. Recorded during lockdown, it recounts the day front man Jack Jones picked up his cousin from an art class. His cousin had painted a world where animals and humans lived in harmony but, had mistakenly called it an abattoir.

Trampolene, to date, have either been aggressive indie rockers indebted to the Manic Street Preachers or, poetic masters of The Libertines Albion dream.

Here, they have visibly grown musically. Shades of light and dark and juxtaposition of childlike innocence and world weariness combine. Singer, songwriter and poet Jones embellishes on the tale of his cousin’s artwork with Blake-esque style of poetry.

Still inspired by Welsh music heroes, they have taken the psychedelic grace of Gruff Rhys. Poised and delicate throughout, they have struck upon a Rhys meets Unknown Mortal Orchestra tapestry. One, that, they should delve into much deeper in the future.

Lacuna Bloome: Nambucca, London

Brighton's Lacuna Bloome are the perfect example of why the UK needs This Feeling. At This Feeling's 'Big In 2019', they were brilliant in flashes but by no means the finished article.

For some, that won't compel gig-goers to Lacuna Bloome's next outing. However, we urge you to be a part of this journey. Anyone who witnessed an early Emily Capell or Trampolene gig will attest to the notion of a long rewarding journey.

There were moments on 'Alright' and the latest single 'Find Your Way' that guitarist Sam Leaver founder the paisley spirit of John Squire. The little flourishes of Roger McGinn's psyche and the free-flowing nature of the Primals debut album had the Nambucca's crowd loosening those shoulders.

The ambition displayed on the closing two tracks brought a warm glow to an audience desperate to have more heroes migrate to bigger venues. It also allowed the band’s personalities to shine through. Frontman Niall, a steely introverted frontman is countered by the showman Leaver on guitars. Much like their idols, they have one of the most fluid drummers in the game in Noah Haines and, in Molly Walker, the coolest bass player since Mani.

Everything is coming together for this band, we urge you to be there sooner rather than later!

*Image courtesy of Alice Sutton

Trampolene – The One Who Loves You

Although The Libertines career is not yet done, when you look back, the one thing that halted them from mega stardom was that one single, a ‘Wonderwall’ or ’If You Tolerate This…’ . The type the of hit that X Factor zombies couldn’t deny. Welsh underdogs Trampolene, whose soul is inextricably linked to The Libertines, have returned with that single, ‘The One Who Loves You’.

Is there a purer soul walking this divided kingdom of ours than Jack Jones at present? If this were the late 18th and early 19th century, Jones would be lauded as a romantic poet. In 2018, he is kicked into the margins and forced to scrap his way out of the gutter.

Scrap away he does and, on this unrequited love anthem, Jones has delivered a single that shouldn’t but inevitably will be ignored by day time radio, the break they truly deserve. Find me a teenage boy who wouldn’t cling to this song as they obsess over the girl they’re to shy to talk to, and we’ll drive them to therapy to work on their sociopathic tendencies.


The Black Roses - El Diablo

In May, London's Black Roses opened up for the mighty Trampolene at the Scala. This weekend, they return with their new single 'El Diablo', will this be the first step on the road to headlining such a prestigious venue?

To date, their singles have been a series of charismatic indie rock numbers, inspired by the heavier side of Arctic Monkeys. 'El Diablo' however, sees them in a new twisted groove. The wobbles on the guitar lend themselves to Pil, The Cure and The Horrors.

The haunting chorus of “Struggling /To be perfect /Those Nights / Are they worth it?” heightens this new found style. The need to be heard and loved colliding with futility of life is delivered, with an alluring aloofness by frontman Anthony Johnson. It raises more questions than it answers which, in an age of social media all but eroding rock musics mystique, is a welcome return.

Slow building songs need that moment of release or euphoria. Between Stevenson and fellow guitarist Richard Jones, they provide a solo to do just that. As they watched The Blinders at the Borderline recently, you wonder whether their light bulbs flickered. The Blinders and Cabbage's sense of depravity consumes this solo but, Black Roses have provided a mid paced clarity to it. Oddly, removing the Eoghan Clifford (Cabbage) and Thomas Haywood's penchant for violence lifts 'El Diablo' into an eerier realm. Like Alice from Luther, no matter how disturbing she gets, the appeal only grows.

As the groundswell of new bands grows in 2018, The Black Roses have gone from solid support act to big players with this new direction.

Trampolene: Scala, London

Gigs, so often enjoyable but seldom do you see the likes of Doherty, Hawley or Ashcroft bare their souls. In Jack Jones, Trampolene have a front man who did just that at London’s Scala last week.

Jones is Pete Doherty and Nicky Wire rolled into one. The combination of intelligent punk rock and free spirited poetry on stage is as emotive as it is life affirming. When they play new single ‘Hard Times For Dreamers’, a chord was struck. The sense of coming together to fight back against injustice is almost visible in the room.

During ‘Alcohol Kiss’ and the Beatles inspired ‘Imagine Something Yesterday’, the band display their ability to be tight but expansive with their playing. A hopeful signifier that bigger stages will be graced in years to come.

For the first time this decade, a master of social comment has emerged in Jones. As he sings “it’s not who am I / It’s who I’m going to be / How longs this song / Been living in me”, it feels powerful and inclusive. Trampolene entice you in so much that, when Jones tears up on ‘Beautiful Pain’, a collective hug goes out to him.

Brace yourself festival season, this three piece are going to make a mockery of your headliners with their brilliance!

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