“I miss the city I love but I've been having an affair
With L.A and New York, Dundee
And Doncaster if I may dare
Of course I do, of course I do
But I was meant for this place, and I was meant for you”
Four days on from The Courteeners hometown triumph at Heaton Park, the slightest thought of ‘Are You In Love With A Notion’ is still delivering some serious goosebumps. This wasn’t just a gig, this was, in the words of Liam Fray “a party”.
The Courteeners have been here before in 2015 but, this past Saturday was more than double the size at fifty thousand people and. Every street, bus, train and tram was alive with anticipation in Manchester Saturday lunchtime. It was impossible to deny, even by this hardened cynical view of outdoor gigs. From note one from Goth pop outfit Pale Waves, it’s clear, Manchester isn’t to suffer the same fate as the string of gigs too quiet in London.
When Liam and co walked on stage, something special happened for two hours. It wasn’t rock stars playing to their adoring fans. This was a personal affair, almost as if it an unsigned band had convinced all their mates to come alone for support.
The atmosphere The Courteeners generate is, for all wankers in the industry wondering what their appeal is (aside good tunes), their usp. Heaton park became the greatest playground of all time. The flares, the mud, the drizzle, the endless Union jack waterproofs from Primark, the mud (the endless mud), the overflowing urinals, laughing at people stacking it, and the dedicated follower of fashion in his brand new white trainers. THE MUD!
It’s been fourteen years since The Courteeners begun and, during the two new songs, showed no signs of slowing down. ‘Better Man’ had such an infectious chorus it was being sung back by the end.
Whether people came to hear ‘The Smiths Disco’ or reaffirm their love of ‘St. Jude’, this was not only a gig for the ages, it was a triumphant for the underdog. Memories of Frank Turner’s underground insurgency at Wembley Arena in 2012 came flooding back. Seven years on from that night, the industry is still throwing money at homogenised dullards. For any kid attendance wanting to form a band, stick your head above the parapet and be yourselves. You will be adored!
We never post clips from peoples phones but, this was too much fun to ignore despite the iffy sound: